In Moisling Kurdish-Turkish families are insulted in leaflets. The SPD local association, which has been involved for years for more tolerance, reacts aggressively: “This shit will not limit us in our work.”
Moisling. Unknown suspects distributed Moisling district leaflets xenophobia at around 20 Kurdish-Turkish families. The Lübeck prosecutor’s office and the State Protection Commissioner 5 of the Criminal District inspection Lübeck added the investigation and formed a group determination.
The leaflets contain an anti-Islamic cartoon and seditious and offensive spells. Families are invited to foul-mouthed way to return to the country from which they came.
The police asked the public for reference only and may contribute to the elucidation of the action. In particular, witnesses should report, can provide information on the origin of the leaflets and their distribution. The families who have found such leaflets in their mailboxes should make themselves known to the investigators by calling 0451/1310.
Horrified, the club Türgem responded to the leaflets. Türgem Chairman Remzi Uysal calls the Lübeck to “work against the new Pegida movement Moisling to fight.” The Chairman: “We condemn this inhumane action in the strongest terms.” Türgem trying for 20 years straight in Moisling to promote the good-neighborly coexistence between natives and foreign residents. These two festivals were organized every year, says Uysal.
The SPD local association Moisling wants to give a statement of solidarity to the affected families tomorrow, Saturday. The meeting point is 13 clock before the vegetable shop in other ring. Local chairman Christian Steen and his deputy Erika Warnck: “We thought that something monstrous in Moisling would not be possible.” Unfortunately, we had been taught by the pamphlet better. The SPD politician Aydin Candan and Lienhard Böhning had worked for years for a climate of tolerance in the district, said the local association: “This shit will not limit us in our work.”
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